completely normal.

Myself and my surgeon Dr. David Yuh
AKA:Inventor of the program for Space Invaders
My only issues that remain are occasional side and chest discomfort. I also tend to tire a little, but I believe that is due to a lack of activity in the past eight months. My oxygen level has been checked twice and has been 99-100%. I can't ask for better. I no longer have dizzy spells, extreme exhaustion, heart arthymias or a heart rate over 120. I am amazed of my progress and feel better than I have in the past few years. My life as I knew it has been given back to me.
I would never have guessed that at 31 I would have been through such an extreme journey. In one year I have faced the thought of death several times, been through two major surgeries, had three small strokes and most importantly developed a better understanding of my faith and what life has to offer. Many were amazed at how I handled myself through all of this. How I look at it is simple, a person has two choices to deal with it or not. For a while I was petrified and only focused on my illness. But, that was only short lived. I realized I could be thankful of what I did have rather than what I didn't. I was in fact still alive and kicking. Sure, I was scared at times but I knew that I didn't have control if I would die or not. What I did have control over was how I chose to live the life I still had. One day after my open heart I said to my 8 year old daughter," I'm sorry Mommy has been so sick. I promise you I am going to get better soon so that I can run and play with you again. I will work very hard so that day is soon." She turned and looked at me with a look of true compassion and a statement more mature than her years. She said, "Mommy, what's important is that you are here with me at this moment. Your going to get better, but I don't care how long that takes as long as you are still here. I need you no matter if your sick or not." I realized in my daughter's eyes that sickness wasn't important to her. As long as I could hold her and nurture her it was more than enough. I am in fact still here and plan to be for a very long time!