Well, here I am with my beautiful daughter
Mya one month before my diagnosis. I didn't appear to be that sick. In fact I was running 3-4 times weekly at least 2-3 miles. Running was my outlet. I along with many though my illness hit me fast. But, talking to my close friends I realized this was something I had
delt with throughout my life. My symptoms just got so
noticeable that I could no longer ignore them. I remember right before I turned 30 I looked at my husband and said, "If I feel this bad at 30 there is no way I can make it to 50." For the past couple of years I had blamed my lack of energy to the stresses of motherhood. All my friends spoke of how tired they were. I thought it was normal. I also have always had a super fast heart rate and as it crept higher and higher I just brushed it off. I was also having dizzy spells but blamed that on lack of fluids. Besides nothing happens to a 30 year
old's heart! Right?So, my story really began in late August of 2008. It might be difficult to hear and I might be a
little to frank! My story is not to scare anyone or dramatize what happened. But, rather to paint an exact picture for those who are interested. Despite my medical knowledge I felt very alone in my choices due to lack of information available to me. My doctors at Hopkins were even curious to see my outcome. It was in a way uncharted territory to them too.
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