How can I explain the last few weeks?? I feel as if I am walking on clouds! This month has been extra special because of where/how I was this time last year. I was living a life of uncertainty, fear, pain, and mental/physical exhaustion. To be honest...in my head I was overwhelmed with thoughts of death, and fear of the unknown. Who would take care of my children, where will my path lead me and how much pain would I endure getting there? I was in the hospital being tested(painful tests) for everything under the moon....I was getting ready for my first surgery...and shortly there after having my first TIA. Crazy month right?
Well, every month made a big difference in my life; especially a whole year! For the past three weekends I have involved myself in 5Ks. Something even as a child I wanted to accomplish but never had. Last week I was asked to participate in another 5K! But, this was different...much different! It was a 5K which involved mud(a whole lot of it) and a military type course. I looked at it online and thought what the heck...it didn't look too bad. But, when I got there it was a whole different ballgame! Not only was there mud, there was tunnel crawls, large hills, low jumps, mud pits, mud pools and 12 foot walls to climb. All doing this sopping in cold mud! Funny part...as much pain as I was in, it was a blast! A memory I didn't think I would ever have! Guess what..I can't wait until next year!
*For more picture/video visit www.delawaremudrun.com*
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