Thursday, December 16, 2010

My New Year's Resolution

Every time I decide to close my blog I am convinced otherwise. As I've said before I truly have amazing people in my life. Well needless to say it's been a year. A year of curve balls, continued growth and new found perspectives. The first year after surgery was one of growing continued strength for me. I was on a roller coaster high! Within the last 9 months slowly I'm coming down from that peak. I guess what goes up must come down. Honestly, some issues are surfacing. But, hey it was to be expected. You can't be hypoxic for months, go through a number of heart procedures and still have had a perfect heart. My heart is mine and I'm still extremely blessed that I am here and 95% of the time beating all odds. I still live a life of compassion and fullness. I just call my little bumps reminders is all. Half of those reminders expose themselves because I am stubborn and feel invincible. But, I'm starting to learn to listen(a little). All is well and the kids are doing wonderful. Dax is flourishing only showing signs of windiness during sports. Here and there I get brave enough to touch his chest. For the most part he seems fine. We will repeat his echo in August...we are still praying for his miracle! But, God has a plan and at this time all I can do is trust!

So, I have been asked if I in fact lived up to my New Year's Resolution of 2010. Well, the answer is plan and simple YES! If one was to recall it was to create life experiences and experience at least one each month. My journey literally started off with a "Bang"...haha! I tried to document them as best I could via facebook. Surprisingly, I learned that I appreciated the simple experiences as much as the bigger. I've always tried to have fun and experience new things. But, pushing myself led to a greater sense of achievement. In fact some of my adventures opened the door to others. I also found that living out other's aspirations led to a greater fulfillment more than I could have imagined. Creating some of those adventures was very tough at times. A couple of times I was knocked down a few notches due to health concerns(understandable), had scheduling issues, or the weather became a factor. But, all in all I had a great year!! My friends and family inspired me to keep going and without them I wouldn't have had many of those adventures:) So, here's a few listed big and small:

1. Shot a range of guns(first time even holding a gun)-videos and pictures on facebook

2. Flew and landed a plane by myself-Which has made me think a pilot's license is in the future.

3. Glassblowing- which lead to a magazine picture, business cards, and my picture on a website.

You can view it on

4. Beekeeping-Just me and 300,000 bees.

5. MMA training with a wonderful friend & fight with a National title holder-which led to a front page cover in the Sussex Post and web picture. or look them up on facebook

6. Zumba lessons

7. Snowboarded-Still thinking I fractured my tailbone on that one

8. Published a book for my Mom

9. Took up Golfing-Honestly I'm not that bad

10. Biked 20 miles

11. Kayaking

12. Grew my first garden-truly amazing and beautiful to see what can grow from a little seed.

13. First professional football game

14. Stain glassing

15. Was in a fashion show..Represented Sussex County as a "Go RED Girl"

16. Finished a book for my children

17. Hypnotized on stage-was last one standing out of 40. Sadly, I was relaxed but not really

18. Mechanical bull riding-was in a contest..missed winning by 2 seconds

19. Danced under the stars

20. Kissed in the middle of a busy intersection

21. Broke out in song for no reason in public-ended up with a number of us singing and dancing

22. Chased by gang members-that will give you a new perspective

23. Photographed my first event

24.Tried escargot, frog legs and Bison

25. Motorcycle riding at a high rate of speed with no helmet

26. Dirt bike riding in a mud pit(No helmet either...not advised)

27. Ice fishing

28. Part of a stage production

29. Somehow my story has been in 3 newspaper in all this year:)

30. Ran my longest distance of 6miles

31. Ran the mudrun with friends and my hubby-Getting my husband to run was an accomplishment in itself.

32. Learned about brewing beer

My adventures might not seem that crazy or interesting to others. But, to me they were all so very special. Mostly, because I experienced them with friends and loved ones. Each one taught me about a piece of life I never knew. Honestly, I made every day an adventure. Numerous times driving a different way home or stopping on a back road just to look around. Not only did I have an adventure but I experienced each one. I took it and milked it for all it was worth. I've never laughed, loved and thought any harder during this year of my life. I've seen some things I would like to change and I've valued some things I love about myself. The most profound lesson I've learned from these experiences and new found positivity in life, is that plain and simple some don't like to see happiness when they are experiencing difficulty in life. At first I was taken back by this. I believe at first glance many think that maybe this excitement and positivity is masking something. Possibly, it could be that they think I must not have any difficulties in life like them. Well, sadly I have the same ups and downs of life just like any other. But, what is different about my life is that I have been blessed with a Gift. The Gift was that I was given an illness that at one point I was faced with an inevitable poor diagnosis. It made me in a matter of days reevaluate my life and who I was. Although, I would never what to go back to that place again I am in a way very thankful because that Gift turned into a true blessing in my life. So, I do hope that those know that they don't have to go through a life changing experience to be happy. Your life can truly be anything you wish. Create it and then go out and live it! Remember to always laugh at your mistakes and praise yourself for learning from them. If you are tired and weary, be thankful because that means you just made a difference somehow. It's easy to be thankful for the good things but that's not what teaches us. The difficult times are when we grow the most and learn our greatest of lessons.

I have so MANY more adventures I can't wait to experience in life! Hopefully, God will continue to bless me with the gift of time. I'm thankful for a physician who recognizes the value of not listening to numbers but rather to his patient:) I can't change my circumstance but I can dictate how I play the hand I am dealt. As far as my new New Year's Resolution will be the same! I've had such a fun year that I can't wait to see what new adventures are in store for me! So, if you have one be sure to keep me in mind because I'm up to ANY challenge!! Happy Holiday's all and Happy New Year!