Wednesday, October 28, 2009

6 Month Echo

So today was the day! A day that would determine if I look back or keep on trucking along. If you ask me I would much rather not have even had an echo done or be hooked up to any more monitors or machines. I would like to no longer go by numbers or values and just base my health on how I feel. No news is good news in my eyes. I've done pretty well these last few days up until they made me wait.....I despise waiting it makes me think. So, luckily for me I have some great friends that I decided to bother for a pep talk. As always they are so true to me. I don't know what I would do without them!
I was finally called back. The technician a little cold in the beginning heard my story throughout the echo and became my new friend. She was actually quite helpful and knowledgeable. I think we were both a little stressed. I probably wasn't in the cheeriest of moods and her a little uneasy about seeing a cow part in someone. We were both entering an area of the unexpected. What is my heart suppose to look like and how is it suppose to perform now that it has been a little restructured. When we were finished she called on of my favorite Doctors in. He has been with me since the beginning and truly has been my angel. He came in hugged me and took a look. With that he smiled and suggested a stress echo to take a little closer look. Always asking if I minded:) A stress echo is just an echo being performed while you are walking on a treadmill. They asked for the nurse practitioner to be present...o.k. I thought! Hummm... The nurse practitioner immediately recognized me. She recalled our visit a little over a year ago where the circumstances were much different. She gave me the eye..I laughed and said, "Don't worry this time it will be o.k." She gave me a look of uncertainty. I walked on the treadmill with ease and then waited for Dr. E to return.
Dr. E again returns with another hug and smile. He first always likes to start with the compliments. He's pretty good with them too! He said how proud he is of me for turning such a horrible experience into a good one. How I haven't used this as an excuse not to live life to the fullest. He expressed how he often thinks of me and what he has learned. He teared up a little which makes me always look down when I should be hugging him. Dr. E reiterated what a miracle my outcome was! He is amazing! He made comments to the effect like he should have done more for me. I explained to him that he in fact was the one who did it all! After I was prejudged in the beginning by a previous physician; he took one look at what was suppose to be this normal, healthy 31 year old and took my word for it. He not only took my word for it but had me tested right away! He could of just sent me for further testing over the next few weeks. I was actually directly admitted that day to the hospital. So, I explained, "you were the key factor in my diagnosis." I couldn't ask for a better physician on my side. In a way we were on this journey together. Then after a little more discussion a high five and a hug I was off.
In all my echo looked great! Dr. E said he didn't even see any scar tissue at this time nor enlargements. My septal wall was still very flexible and my implant looked beautiful. It was doing it's job. The only concern at this point was the valves being a little stretched from all the new blood volume and hopefully in time my heart will adjust. If not, in about 20-30 years I might need some new valves. Who knows what will be in the market those days. I might end up part cow and part monkey or something along those lines. Hey, if that's my only problem I am more than thankful! I am still here doing the things I love and being with the people who complete my world. Right now that's all that matters!

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