Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The infamous doctor's visit

When I arrived at my doctor's the following day I had a low grade fever, a heart rate of 136(normal 60-100), and an oxygen level of 88%(normal 92-100%). The nurse asked if I was nervous(due to my heart rate). I said, "No." She played around with the pulse ox(measures an oxygen level) and my oxygen level returned to 96% after resting and a few deep breaths. She asked what my symptoms were and walked out with a frustrated look on her face. My symptoms were very common and could be a number of many things. She gave me the impression I was wasting her time. But, didn't she know how much it took for me to even walk into that office? As the doctor walked in I saw his face. I knew that look! He had already pre judged me. I explained my symptoms and stated that all I really wanted was some lab work because I though I was anemic. Anemia can cause all of the symptoms I was having I thought. He then proceeded to have the talk. The, you are a young mother with numerous responsibilities talk. He gave a gentle hand and said, "I see it all the time. I'm sure it is very difficult to manage a family and work. Many women have this issue." At that moment I did become anxious. If only he knew how sick I was. My heart rate started to fire. I'm thankful for that anger because when he finally did his assessment he heard an arrhythmia. An arrhythmia that he felt was very common. None the less, I had a little validation. He send me for an Echo and lab work. As I walked out the door his last words were, "when all your tests come back normal we will revisit the anxiety topic again." I left his office feeling embarrassed. I called my husband and a friend and told them I was done with the issue and even thought about not getting the echo done. Throughout the past months I've learned an important lesson. Never let anyone influence you or your health. Might sound easy, but for me I never want to disappoint or be a burden. I've really had to put myself first for once.

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